Solar Efficiency Checks

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Solar Efficiency Checks

Unlock the full potential of your solar array with Unity Solar RI's Efficiency Check Service. Our precision-driven approach evaluates every aspect of your solar system to ensure it's converting sunlight into electricity with the utmost efficiency. We scrutinize the fine details that affect performance, from panel cleanliness to inverter functionality. Optimize your energy production, reduce waste, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your solar panels are performing at their best.

Solar efficiency checks are essential for anyone relying on solar energy, whether for residential, commercial, or industrial use. Over time, the efficiency of solar panels can degrade due to various factors such as dirt buildup, shading, weather conditions, or aging components. Solar efficiency checks help ensure that your system operates at peak performance, delivering optimal energy output and saving you money on energy costs. This guide dives into the details of what solar efficiency checks entail, why they are important, and how they are conducted.

Understanding Solar Efficiency

Solar efficiency refers to the ability of your solar panels to convert sunlight into usable electricity. Efficiency is typically expressed as a percentage of the sunlight captured by the panels that is converted into energy. While most modern solar panels have efficiency rates between 15% and 22%, various factors can influence how much of that potential is realized in practice.

Why Solar Efficiency Checks Are Important

  1. Maximizing Energy Output: Over time, solar panels can lose efficiency due to dirt accumulation, shading, or equipment issues. Efficiency checks help identify and resolve these problems, ensuring that your panels produce as much energy as possible.

  2. Preventing Long-Term Damage: Regular inspections can catch issues like micro-cracks, loose wiring, or corrosion early. Addressing these problems before they escalate can prevent expensive repairs or panel replacements.

  3. Ensuring Financial Returns: Solar installations are significant investments. By maintaining optimal efficiency, you ensure that your return on investment (ROI) is maximized, lowering your overall energy costs.

  4. Warranty Compliance: Many solar panel manufacturers require regular maintenance and inspections as part of their warranty conditions. Solar efficiency checks help you stay compliant and avoid voiding your warranty.

  5. Environmental Impact: An efficient solar system reduces your carbon footprint by producing more clean energy. Regular checks ensure you get the most out of your renewable energy investment.

Key Components of Solar Efficiency Checks

  1. Visual Inspection: The first step in a solar efficiency check is a thorough visual inspection. Technicians look for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, discoloration, or delamination on the panels. They also inspect the racking and mounting systems for signs of rust, corrosion, or instability, which could affect the alignment and performance of the panels.

  2. Cleaning and Debris Removal: Dirt, dust, bird droppings, and leaves can block sunlight and drastically reduce panel efficiency. During an efficiency check, professionals often clean the panels using specialized equipment and solutions to ensure maximum sunlight absorption. Some checks may also include inspecting the surroundings for potential sources of debris or shading.

  3. Performance Monitoring: Technicians will often review the system’s performance data, comparing it to expected output levels based on your location, time of year, and the panel specifications. They use performance monitoring tools and software to identify any discrepancies that could indicate inefficiency. Consistent drops in performance may signal a need for more in-depth troubleshooting.

  4. Thermal Imaging: Using infrared cameras, inspectors can detect hotspots that indicate issues like shading, dirt buildup, or internal electrical faults. Hotspots can lead to overheating and reduce panel efficiency. Thermal imaging is also helpful for detecting hidden defects in the panels, such as micro-cracks or delamination.

  5. Electrical Testing: Electrical tests are conducted to check for issues in the wiring, connections, and inverter. These tests include measuring the system’s voltage, current, and power output. Inspectors will compare these readings against the system’s specifications to identify any irregularities.

  6. Inverter Inspection: The inverter plays a crucial role in converting the DC electricity generated by your panels into AC electricity that can be used in your home or business. An inverter check involves reviewing error codes, inspecting connections, and ensuring the device is functioning properly. A faulty inverter can drastically reduce your overall system efficiency.

  7. Shading Analysis: Even small amounts of shade from trees, buildings, or other objects can significantly impact solar efficiency. Efficiency checks often include a shading analysis, using tools like solar pathfinders or software that maps potential shading issues throughout the year. This analysis can help identify changes in shading patterns that may be affecting performance and suggest possible solutions, like trimming nearby trees.

  8. Degradation Assessment: All solar panels experience some level of efficiency degradation over time. While most panels are designed to last 25 to 30 years, with a degradation rate of about 0.5% to 1% per year, this rate can increase if panels are not well maintained. An efficiency check may include an assessment of the panels’ current performance relative to their age and expected degradation rates.

Common Issues Identified During Efficiency Checks

  1. Dirt and Grime Accumulation: One of the most common culprits of efficiency loss is the buildup of dirt, dust, and other debris. Even a light layer of grime can block significant amounts of sunlight from reaching the panels. Regular cleaning is vital to maintaining peak performance.

  2. Electrical Issues: Faulty wiring, loose connections, or corroded terminals can lead to energy losses and even pose safety risks. These issues often go unnoticed without regular inspections but can have a substantial impact on efficiency.

  3. Shading Problems: New growth from trees or recently constructed buildings can introduce unexpected shading. Shading can lead to uneven panel performance and create hotspots that further reduce efficiency.

  4. Physical Damage: Panels may develop micro-cracks, broken glass, or delamination due to weather conditions such as hail or heavy storms. These damages reduce the active area of the panels and, consequently, their efficiency.

  5. Inverter Failure: Inverters are one of the most critical components of your solar system. If the inverter is malfunctioning, it can significantly affect your system’s output. Error codes and inconsistent power output are telltale signs of an inverter issue.

Frequency of Solar Efficiency Checks

The frequency of solar efficiency checks depends on several factors, including your location, the size of your system, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally, it’s advisable to schedule efficiency checks annually. In regions with high levels of dust, pollen, or other airborne particles, more frequent inspections and cleanings may be necessary.

The Role of Professional Technicians

While basic maintenance, like cleaning, can often be handled by the system owner, in-depth solar efficiency checks should be performed by qualified professionals. Trained technicians have the expertise, tools, and experience to conduct thorough inspections and identify subtle issues that may be overlooked by the untrained eye. They also have access to advanced testing equipment, such as thermal imaging cameras and performance monitoring tools, which are essential for comprehensive efficiency checks.


Solar efficiency checks are an integral part of maintaining a well-functioning solar energy system. Regular inspections and maintenance ensure that your system operates at peak performance, delivering maximum energy output and financial savings. By identifying and addressing issues early, you can prolong the lifespan of your solar installation, maintain warranty coverage, and enjoy the environmental benefits of clean, renewable energy. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, investing in routine solar efficiency checks is essential to getting the most out of your solar power investment.

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Our Process

Our solar efficiency check process

Our process begins with a complete system analysis to understand your current energy production levels. We analyze your system's design, orientation, and historical output data to establish a baseline for efficiency.

1. System Analysis

We deploy state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to conduct performance tests on your panels and inverter. This step includes thermographic inspections to identify hot spots, shading analysis, and electrical tests to ensure components are operating within specified parameters.

2. Performance Testing

3. Efficiency Audit

With the data collected, we'll perform an efficiency audit, comparing your system's actual output against its expected performance. This audit will highlight any discrepancies and pinpoint areas where energy production could be improved.

4. Optimization Plan

Upon completing the audit, we present you with a detailed optimization plan. This strategy includes specific recommendations to improve your system's efficiency, such as cleaning schedules, hardware upgrades, or reconfiguration of the system layout if necessary.

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